Winds Of Change

The human experience is cyclical. There are times of prosperity and times of stagnation. There are periods of peace, followed by periods of unrest. There are years of good health, followed by a plague. We are in a continuous loop or what is known in Hindu as Samsara, a cycle of worldly existence.

Wherever you are, at any given moment, is only a temporary state of existence. It is a resting point, until you transition to the next phase. Whenever you feel stagnant, this is your inner guidance acknowledging  movement or change is beckoning. In Samsara, change is constant as it is the vehicle that propels this cycle.

Pain and suffering are created by holding onto things that must be let go. When we cling to conditions which previously provided joy, nourishment, and fulfillment, our attachment creates suffering. We can willingly release to create space for that which is more fulfilling, more serving of the present moment. The future is created as a result of what is happening now. 

This spring season has brought about a rebirth not experienced in our lifetime. A virus served as a catalyst to reexamine the way our society operates. The way we interact, conduct business and teach our children will be transformed for the decade ahead. The financial crisis has disrupted the role of government, brought more light to economic inequality, and has led to large scale social unrest. The protests, the riots, the pains of our society resurfaced and are brought to the forefront of our attention. The winds of change have arrived. This is not the time to resist change. Rather, how can we direct this movement, to create meaningful and lasting solutions?

The world we lve in is a byproduct of our collective consciousness. Change begins with the individual. Are you willing to shift your perception and welcome new possibilities? Can you shift your emotions to be more compassionate, more receptive to anotherโ€™s suffering, more expressive of your love? Can you change your actions to be more generous, to be supportive, to be of service to others in need? In this time of discord, can you be an instrument of peace?

Samsara is the cycle of worldly events. We can learn from our past to create the future we so desperately desire. This is all a temporary moment of existence, and this time shall too pass. From a plague, The Renaissance was born.  From a depression, The New Deal provided a safety net for our most vulnerable. From civil unrest came The Civil Rights Movement.  As we continue in this cycle, let us be mindful of what we carry with us into the coming summer. Like butterflies emerging from their cocoons, may we shed aspects of ourselves which no longer serve us and embrace a new destiny - a destiny that has yet to be determined.


Free Will


Shift Perception