Believe In Miracles

Miracles didn’t stop happening 2,000 years ago; they are happening each day.  A miracle is a shift in perception. In moving away from thoughts of limitation, lack, or separation, the veil of illusion is lifted. Transformed, we are reminded of our expansiveness, abundance, and connection to the Divine. Miracles happen every day.  

Each year as daylight savings time ends we enter into a period of increased darkness. With each passing day we experience slightly less light as the evenings grow longer. The transition is palatable and we process the absence of light in our own ways.  Can you shift and expand your perception to the possibility of a miracle unfolding? During this period of darkness there are reminders that the veil that hinders the Light is but a temporary state of existence, including some well-known stories that our ancestors have passed down for generations.

For example, instead of focusing on the limitations a container of oil may possess, we are to be expansive and open to a miracle.  A ‘day’s worth’ of oil may actually last for 8.  Thoughts of comparison, full of lack in content, shroud the ability to be grateful for the blessings cultivated. Remember that a persecuted family found refuge in the barn of a generous man. Upon the clothes laid on a bed of hay, a star was born. Miracles are always happening, and a gaze into the night sky is full of reminders of infinite possibilities. A sagittarius is a half-man, half-animal warrior of Light whose flaming arrow shines in the night sky. The festivals of Light are reminders during dark times, the Divine is onmipresent. One is never separated from the potential of the Divine. 

Miracles are not gifted to a select few.  They are offered to those who can conceive that there is more available than what is perceived. Two months ago a friend was in an accident and told it would be years before she could use her right hand.  Slowly she’s been able to control her movements, hold objects, and even drive.  A young man, seeking to be his authentic self, moved to a distant land and immediately found work and a welcoming community. Conceive that there are opportunities beyond what is currently being perceived, and know that a focus on “lack” is the thief of limitlessness.  The universe is always conspiring with you - never against you. Be open, receptive, and willing to see the Light even in your darkest hour. 


Earthing the Body


Abundance Affirmation